I live in the United States and I did not think I was going to get to enjoy my delicious witches brew until Halloween time again. I’m so happy that I found them and I was able to get a supply of them in my hands.
I am NOT a FAN of RED BULL BUT this drink is ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLY GOOD I will definitely be reordering as a regular product. Please make ordering BY the CASE as I’d buy a case of it!
If NOT too HIGH priced that is!! As it’s that DELICIOUS!!
Simply amazing! I’m so happy you guys are selling it.
It's a subtle flavor palette. It takes more like a slightly pear-flavored cola. There is the familiar taste and smell of Pepsi mixed with a slight fruit taste though it isn't citrusy like expected. I'm not sure if this is due to the green bamboo as well. But all in all, it was worth trying and pleasant. I don't think I would consciously seek it out for repeat buys however.